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  4. 为什么我的冰箱不冻结? 这里有5个原因

为什么我的冰箱不冻结? 这里有5个原因

冰箱是厨房里可靠的电器. You can always trust that your midnight snack craving will be satisfied simply by sleepily stumbling into the kitchen 和 perusing your faithful freezer. 冷冻蔬菜, 水果, 把肉变成即食披萨和美味的冰淇淋, 你的冰箱是最后一刻吃饭的地方. 但是如果你的冰箱不结冰怎么办?

When your freezer stops doing the one thing it is meant to do—freezing—don’t let it get you down. Some simple fixes could help get it back to keeping your groceries icy cold in no time. 查看这个方便的冷冻问题和快速修复列表 美国本土盾®. 


在深入研究故障排除问题之前,如果你的冰箱不工作, 了解冰箱的工作原理是很有帮助的. 

Most freezers work by using a cooling pipe filled with fast-evaporating liquid coolant. 这个过程包括压缩, 冷凝, 和 evaporating the refrigerant gas through the freezer’s mechanical components, 其中包括 

  • 冷凝器,它把气体制冷剂变成液体制冷剂,
  • 压缩机,将制冷剂气体泵到其他冷冻部件,
  • 蒸发器,将热量从冷冻室转移到冷凝器,
  • 过滤器,过滤掉制冷剂中不需要的颗粒
  • 蓄电池, which stores extra refrigerant since some of it is lost throughout the compressing, 冷凝, 蒸发过程. 


一个冰柜没有完成它的使命并不一定意味着灾难. 事实上, many issues related to your freezer not working can be remedied through simple troubleshooting. Before getting in a freezer fluster, take a moment to chill out, diagnose, 和 fix the issue.

  • 问题:冰箱一直在运转

冰箱持续运转可能有多种原因. 一个原因是温控恒温器工作不正常, 迫使冰箱不停地运转以达到正确的温度. If this is the case, you can try resetting the thermostat or replacing it altogether. 

Another reason is that the evaporator fan motor or condenser fan motor is malfunctioning. 如果是这个问题,可能是时候找专业人士了. 

  • 问题:冰箱发出奇怪的声音

你的冰箱在正常运转的过程中可能会发出很多噪音. 例如, 如果听起来你的冰箱在做爆米花, it’s probably because the inside walls are exp和ing 和 contracting through temperature fluctuations. 嗡嗡声, 嗡嗡作响, gurgling 和 clicking noises are also quite normal 和 signify that your fridge 和 freezer are working. 

However, new or excessively loud sounds might indicate that something is wrong with your freezer. These noises could mean that your condenser coils are dirty, blocking proper airflow. 为了补救这种情况,你可以清洗冷凝器盘管 每两到三个月一次 使用冰箱线圈刷. 

The noises could also mean that your freezer’s evaporator fan isn’t working correctly; if this is the case, 你应该尽快修理或更换它. If the evaporator fan is damaged or old, you may notice a loud buzzing or clicking noise. 你的冰箱也可能不像平时那么冷. 

  • 问题:冰箱漏水

如果你的冰箱漏水,或者你有 冰柜里的霜, 你可能有一个堵塞或(讽刺的是)冻结解冻排水管. You can unclog it by filling a turkey baster with hot water 和 using it to clear out the drain tube.


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A freezer not freezing can make even the most relaxed person feel hot under the collar. A freezer that’s stopped working doesn’t have to mean hundreds of dollars down the drain. Figuring out what causes a freezer to stop freezing is the first step to fixing it—saving your freezer 和 your budget.

  1. 冰箱里的空气正在泄漏. 

如果你发现你的冰箱很冷,但不冻结, 你应该做的第一件事是测试你的冰箱门. You may have failed to notice that an item is sticking out enough to keep the door ajar, 这意味着珍贵的冷空气正在逃离你的冰箱. 

Similarly, older or poorly installed freezer door seals might cause your freezer temperature to drop. You can test your freezer door seals by placing a piece of paper or dollar bill between the freezer 和 door. 然后,关上冰箱门. If you can pull out the dollar bill, your freezer door sealer needs to be repaired or replaced. 

  1. 冰柜内物品堵塞蒸发器风扇.

冰箱坏的另一个原因可能是 货物包装不良. 确保蒸发器风扇下方有足够的空间, 通常放在冰箱的后面, so that the cold air emerging from the fan can reach everywhere in your freezer. 

  1. 冷凝器盘管脏了.

Dirty condenser coils can reduce your freezer’s overall cooling capacity since dirty coils make the condenser retain heat rather than release it. 这会导致压缩机过度补偿. To prevent this from happening, make sure to clean your condenser coils regularly. 

  1. 蒸发器风扇故障.

More serious reasons that your freezer is not freezing involve malfunctioning internal components. 如果您的蒸发器风扇工作不正常, first unplug your refrigerator 和 remove 和 clean the evaporator fan blades. Ice buildup on evaporator fan blades often prevents your freezer from properly circulating air. 如果你注意到风扇叶片弯曲,你需要更换它. 

蒸发器风扇叶片是否旋转自如, 但是风扇不转了, you may need to replace a defective motor or repair broken wires between the fan motor 和 thermostat control. 

  1. 有一个坏开始接力.

最后, a freezer that isn’t freezing might mean that your start relay is not working as it should, 这意味着它没有给你的压缩机供电. You can conduct a physical test on your start relay by unplugging your refrigerator, 打开冰箱后面的隔层, 从压缩机上拔下启动继电器, 然后摇动开始接力. 如果你听到嘎嘎的声音,听起来像是扔骰子在罐子里, 你的起动继电器得换了. 如果它不发出响声, 这可能意味着你的压缩机有问题, 哪些需要专业的维修协助. 


始终保持低温的冷冻室是令人愉快的冷冻室. In addition to keeping the coolest appliance in the house as cold as possible 和 properly wrapping food for storage, 这里有一些久经考验的方法可以让你享受不间断的凉爽.

1. 查阅用户手册了解维修说明. Familiarizing yourself with your freezer now will do wonders to help you keep your cool when it’s time to maintain it or fix it down the road.

2. 定期检查冰箱的恒温器. 为了使冰箱发挥最佳性能, its thermostat should be set at zero degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius). If your model doesn’t have a built-in thermostat, use a thermometer to check the temperature.

3. 保持室内清洁. With a damp rag 和 a bit of dish liquid, you can have your freezer sparkling in no time.

就像你每天依赖的任何东西一样, 对你的冰箱越好, 它对你(和你的食物)的回报就越好.

签署一个bet3365标准版计划也是一个好主意,其中包括 冰箱保修范围. A home warranty from 美国本土盾 offers coverage for home systems 和 appliances, 包括你的冰箱和冰柜. To ensure that your budget is protected from issues due to normal wear 和 tear—like your freezer not freezing—check out our 定价 和 计划 今天.


DIY技巧仅供参考. Please be sure to take the appropriate safety precautions 和 ensure your project complies with any applicable federal, 状态, 或当地的法律法规.

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